Our Story

Old Sovereign Publishing was created out of a desire to bring back beauty to the publishing industry and to empower literature through art.

A love of great works of art that have come to define the books that they were made to illustrate like Gustave Dore's interpretation of Dante's The Divine Comedy and Arthur Rackham's treatment of The Brothers Grimm.

We commission artists to bring old stories to life, to reinterpret them for a new generation of readers, bringing a new life into them whilst holding the highest standards of manufacture and production.

Our logo is inspired by the St George slaying the dragon on the reverse of the old British gold sovereign coin - a mark of quality that underpins our philosophy of what books should be.

We want to give you the opportunity to build the most beautiful library in the world.

Join us on the journey!

Pressing the spine

The spines are pressed in by hand to provide for long lasting wear, making them look more elegant on the shelf for longer.

Our books are made to last.

The finest papers

All of our cover papers are made by hand, using old fashioned marbling techniques. We select only the finest papers